Blog Archives

Poly Week Extended


I began this blog unsure about whether or not a week was enough time to adequately cover certain topics.  Last week our focus was on domestic violence and at the end of the week I was hesitant about moving on.  This week I’m certain that I’m not ready.  I still haven’t gotten around to the politics of poly, resources for those involved in the lifestyle, and a lot of other specifics.  So … POLY WEEK HAS BEEN EXTENDED!

This Week’s Theme: Polyamory


What is polyamory? Well, it’s simple.  Poly = many +  amory = loves

I’ve noticed that here are several clichés that come to mind when monogamous people are faced with this issue or phenomenon.  There’s the Mormon image – underage girls in long braids and prairie dresses.  There’s the “playboy” – the man with a harem of girls just waiting to satisfy his every sexual whim.  And then there’s, “Oh that’s just a hippie thing from the 60s and 70s.”

This happens to be a topic that I have some experience with so I’m going to do my best to present an honest picture of what contemporary polyamory is about – the good and the bad.

More specifically, the posts will attempt to answer/address these points:

  • What kind of person is attracted to this lifestyle?
  • Is it a legitimate lifestyle choice?
  • Are women being taken advantage of?
  • Cross-over with other lifestyles/communities: LGBT, BDSM, Paganism, etc.
  • Jealousy and other complications
  • The many relationship structures
  • Long term polyamory and the family
  • Acceptance in society